Master of Talents

The urge and passion towards classical dance inspired R.Aneesha, a student of Dr.P.V.Nair the founder of Tharangini School of Dance to learn BharathaNatyam and other classical dance from the young age of five in 2012. From her young age itself, she has performed in various renowned temples notably Thyagaraya Swamy Temple, Thiruvottiyur, Sivapuram Temple, Vellore Golden Temple, Chidambaram Natarajar Temple and many other temples in Chennai during the festive seasons of Navarathri , Sivarathri, and Panguni Uthram. She obtained the Winners title in Bhava Raaga Thalam Season 2 organised by Saraswathi Kala Kendra through Makkal TV in 2014.She was also selected in the Audition Final list at the Hidden Idol Contest for Bharathanatyam held at Chennai in 2016. Aneesha has completed her Grade Exam in Bharatha Natyam upto Grade 6 and in all the Grades, she excelled with distinctions.
When Tharangini School of Dance started their journey with Raaba Media, a Peace and People’s Welfare Trust in 2019, she gave her dance performance in Guinness Record Event organised by Raaba Media. In Talent Hunt shows of Season 1 held by Raaba Media in 2020 , Aneesha was awarded with the title of Nritya Kalaivani and Natiya Kalai Jothi. In Talent Hunt Season 2, she was awarded with the prestigious title of “Master of Talents” for her performance in the Dance arena
Aneesha has won the first prize for Veda Chanting among schools in Thiruvallur District and also won the 2nd place in Bukenkan Intramural Tournament for Karate (Yellow belt). She is very interested in Western Dance and has given very many performances in her School (Sri Sathya Sai Vidhya Vihar) and presently is in Class X in this school. Aneesha’s interest for art forms urged her to learn the basics of Chenda Melam. In her school, she has excelled in Academics also from her KG upto Class IX. She had the privilege of being the Class Monitor and House Captain and loves to take responsibilities which she carries away with great effort and perfection. In Spell Bee International, she was qualified for the National Level in the year 2017. Her active participation remains in all extra curricular activities of the school. Aneesha’s ambition is to become a gynaecologist and her greatest passion is to become a renowned Classical dancer .